Category Archives: Uncategorized

The reason for truth and transparency

There are, basically, two ways to do things. The right way and the wrong way. Not related to the time that you get results, but related to the outcome. The right way is in most cases, the difficult way. So many people use the easy way, that commonly is the wrong way. Lying for instance requires less effort than saying the truth. Why? Because to say the truth you need to spend time learning about the facts of reality. And that is not easy. It is much easier to make up things and to say whatever comes to mind just because it is easy.

Now, when we were young, at least that happened to me, we were told to be truthful. In fact, in some religions like Christianity, truth has a very high value. At least is two articles in the gospel of John we read about the importance of truth. One John said that Moses brought the law and that Jesus Christ brought grace and truth. Later in the same book of John, we read how Jesus said: “Through me, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” Clearly in these we see the importance of truth.

We see, also, the connection between truth and freedom. So, it seems to me that the opposite of truth is not lying but unfreedom. And we want to be free. That is a good reason to be truthful, to live a truthful life. It implies too, that the lack of truthfulness will produce the chains of unfreedom, the hardship of a life full of misfortune. Even if for some time the fruits of lying appear to indicate that you can get away with lying. But we know that in the end, lies will need more lies to sustain until you get to an unsustainable situation.

On the other hand, even as it might be hard, being truthful will allow you to be free. Free of the need for more lies to sustain a life full of misery. Being truthful will provide the freedom to be, whoever you are, with peace of mind and the natural satisfaction that your are doing the right thing, even if it is not easy!

Happy for no reason

It is common to be happy for a reason, your birthday, the birth of a child, seeing a loved one that you have not seen in a while, yes there are many reasons to be happy.

The questions is: why would you be happy for no reason?

The power that you have by being happy for no reason comes from the fact that being happy for no reason is up to you alone. When you are happy for a reason, the happiness will be dependent on that reason. Let’s say one is happy for a birthday, then the following day when it is not longer one’s birthday there is no reason to be happy. For some that would even be a reason for being unhappy!

Today is the day after my birthday, so I am happy for no reason. But wait! now that I think about it, I have many reasons to be happy. My family, my friends, my life! So starting with being happy for no reason I find the many reasons to be happy. So, there you go. Being happy for no reason is the door to happiness for many reasons.

I love Paradox, life itself is a paradox.

One of the problems I see in today’s society is the need for equivalence, and thus we create a bunch of false equivalences. For example what I just wrote about “Being happy for no reason” is not equivalent for “Being unhappy for no reason.” Happiness and Unhappiness are not equivalent opposites. Yes, of course, we could just change the previous paragraph from happy to unhappy but the meaning will not be the same.

The world is better when people are happy, it is obvious but then why is that we don’t recognize the need for more happiness and the need to be open and intentional about it? We need to do a better job spreading this idea. So far hate and war are leading the way in the news, bad news sells better that good news, it is an evolutionary effect on humanity. But we are now in the XXI century and good news need to drive the world.

Make yourself an agent of happiness. Let’s get together in this movement of happiness. Let the world wakeup to a new, better, reality of happiness for no reason.

What we all need to do

These are times, like those times before, when life changes make us weary of the situation. That produces ill feelings like mistrust, anger, frustration, resentment, and many other feelings that separate us from our peers and from the rest of society. This situation is causing even more and deeper ill feelings.

So, What can we do about it? First of all, we need to feel part of a common humanity. Becoming aware that we all are part of this societal body. That if we (individuals) do well, then everyone should do well. There is no well-being of the individual. Take for example, someone living in wealth surrounded by poverty, his/her own safety will be at risk due to the unhealthy surroundings created by poverty. There is an undeniable connection between all of us, and, of course, between us and our environment.

Once we acknowledge how interconnected we are and how interdependent we are on one another, then we move to the second step. Creating trust. There is no way any society as any organization can function properly without trust. The trust created through transparency, the rule of law, and the democratic participation in the institution of the law.

In particular, we can mention how organizations fail due to the lack of trust among constituents. There is no way an organization can function even if its mission is well founded, inspired, and in synchrony with the times and place where the organization is. We have seen many examples of these failing organizations. Being for-profit or nonprofit, it really doesn’t matter!

Once trust is established, or re-established, then we can move on, move forward to make it a better place. This is a matter of survival. If it is not done, deeper -revolutionary- changes will occur.

I have no doubt that as a society we will do this, even though (also) I have no doubt that some organizations will fail surviving. A case in point is the current Republican Party that is morphing into a cult.

Don’t believe what you think: Thinking Differently

The holidays allows time to think. In most cases our thinking is in confirmation of our beliefs. One of the best bumper stickers I have seen stated: “Don’t Believe What You Think”. I is clear to me that this statement is warning us about our biasses and misconceptions, which we have many!

With his book “Think Again” Adam Grant helps us to understand our biasses and misconceptions, and how we can remediate the situation.

Grant even goes as far as share about life of death situations, where firefighters lost or saved their life based on thinking differently. This is a complicated subject because we start with a framework of thinking, our mindset, that has been structured for many years and based on people and circumstances that are familiar. Thus, very difficult to analyze. The difficulty of thinking differently comes from evolutionary psychology, where we have use the stubbornness of our ideas as a way to survive. But it has also been counterproductive. Think about companies that have not survived. Examples. like the BlackBerry, Kodak abound which leaders were unwilling to change because they were sure they knew all about the company and unable to see that the reality of the environment had changed. After all these leaders were the ones that lifted these companies to the high level of success they attained. Yes, but that happened under past circumstances, now things were different. These companies failed because they weren’t able to innovate and adapt.

These last days of 2023 are for me, days to reflect and find my blindspots. Where am I thinking wrong? Which ideas, deep in my ego, are wrong, and need to be replaced?

It is hard work to be done by yourself alone. There are techniques that help you see your ideas through a critical lens. Get help from those you trust. Quakers have what is called “clearness committees” which is a tool used by Quakers to find, as the name implies, clearness in their thoughts. The main reason you, probably, need outside help is that your mind is already set. Your ideas are already yours! This is where someone else can ask you something like “have you thought of ……?” Which, of course, you might have not thought of. Now you have a new idea! If this new idea is better than the one you had before then you go ahead and replace it, innovate, adapt.

Successful leaders have learned this. Steve Jobs, for example, was opposed to the idea of the iPhone! Until he was for it. Convinced by people who had his trust and were able to speak freely, people who weren’t “yes sir” employees. This is what successful leaders do!

These last days of the year are overwhelming to our inbox, all fundraisers are busy sending emails telling us that the time is running out before we get extra impact on our donations. I have been busy deleting all these emails. So, I am not too optimistic about you having time to read it but I hope that one day you will. Meanwhile my thoughts are about wishing you all a great new year, I hope that 2024 will bring you good health, peace and prosperity.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

The best book I read this year was “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fu*ck” by Mark Manson. It was my favorite summer book. Later I saw a documentary with the same name featuring Mr. Manson, which is also highly recommended. It is in a way a book based on Stoic philosophy, without trying to be snobbish or academic.

Later I learned that the book has been quite popular even in a viral picture of esteemed US Congresswoman Ms. Katie Porter (D-California)

For years I have been a student of philosophy, first interested in Natural Philosophy for which I got a Ph. D. in 1982 at the Unversity of Newcastle U/Tyne, England. Those studies helped me be a scientist and work for the National Institute of Petroleum in Mexico where I ran a lab doing isotopic analysis for Geochronology. Measuring the age of rocks using the K/Ar method! In later years I have added metaphysical philosophy to include Stoicism to help me live a better life. Contrary to common belief, Stoicism is about the proper use of our emotions not as many think the elimination of our emotions, and control of our natural instincts that after human evolution have been a source of conflict in our lives.

One of the tenets of Stoic philosophy is “Memento Mori” (Remember Death) which is a reminder of our limited time on this Earth. For many thinking about death is depressing, but for me is uplifting because helps me have a broad perspective about life and things in general. One day I am going to be dead, then it will not matter. Others, my descendants, in particular, will continue with their lives having the same aspirations and struggles as the generations before. Sure, some things like technology have changed but the aspirations and the purposes have not. Human Nature is what has been since the beginning and will be until the end!

As it is in your own story, there are many stories and tales in my own that help me reflect on how many obstacles are there in each of our lives that are circumstantial and unavoidable but will always have a lesson that will improve who we are. Hopefully.

Let me write about one example. My grandfather’s grandfather, Geb Benson was shot to death in 1874 by a “neighbor” John Tuttle when my Great-great-grandfather was only 34 years old! His wife, my Great-great-grandmother, Irene was pregnant with her youngest child and had to go “back” to Iowa taking with her their other children, including my Great-grandmother Irene. Can you imagine the tragedy? How does a young mother have to endure such hardship and make ends meet to continue living and supporting her family? You may say: this is 2023 and it doesn’t matter what happened in 1874 but somehow, I tell myself, it does matter!

Memento Mori is a powerful tool to see and evaluate circumstances and provide the energy necessary to continue having a good life. One with inspiration and gratitude. After all the pursuit of happiness is the most important purpose in one’s life.

If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys

Once upon a time, I met Dr. Diandra Leslie-Pelecky author of the book “The Physics of NASCAR” during a meeting of the Pacific Northwest Association for College Physics.

She is a physicist who studies how physics is used to achieve excellence and did some research on the National Association of Stock Car Racing, an enterprise that manages one of the most successful businesses in the USA. In car racing, as in any race, the only goal is to be the first one at the finish line. This very simple objective gets complicated when you see how many elements are part of the race. In an automobile, there are literally thousands of parts and there is “the human element”. The physics applies to the mechanical elements but psychology applies to the human element, and you need both to win.

In her book, Dr. Leslie-Pelecky clearly articulates the physical implications, such as air pressure in tires, friction in bearings, and other interesting physical and chemical principles. Design and planning engineering are critical for the functioning of the operation. There is a lot of knowledge used before the race to prepare the automobile to function at the highest performance. All aspects of the mechanical function of the automobile are interdependent, but interdependence complicates every human endeavor. This complication must be resolved using “design thinking”. Design thinking fundamentally is the knowledge and use of human behavior in the accomplishment of a mission. In car racing, the mission is to win! And a remarkable achievement has been made. Imagine how in Formula 1 racing a pit stop where all four tires are changed can last only 2 to 3 SECONDS! Just let us pause now and count up to 3 seconds and imagine how the four tires are been replaced.

How can this high level of accomplishment be done? The answer is in the human element! People at NASCAR are highly prepared (high rate of Ph. Ds ) and very well compensated. As Dr. Leslie-Pelecky told me the saying there at NASCAR is: “If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys”

When the Future Arrives

It has been a paradox in human history. Preparing for a future that never arrives. I heard once a Brazilian say that Brazilians are tired of being the country of the future. Maybe because they have been the country of the future for generations. While at the same time, the present is full of misery, poverty, insecurity, and crime. This promise of a better future has been the most efficient tool of oppressive regimes to help subordinate and control populations.

Now, I feel, the time has come when we can say that the future is here. Not because of new technologies, or gadgets in the market but because of the emergence of a new paradigm. There is nothing wrong with preparation and work on the foundations of things. Being organizations or actual buildings, one has to be clear as much as possible of the objectives but there is always a need for preparation for the unexpected. There is always a need for preparation and adaptation to uncertainty and changing circumstances. Adaptation is the name of success!

Now, how does one prepare for the unexpected? How can one incorporate in a plan the steps to take in case of an unexpected event? What kind of steps are supposed to be taken in case of an unexpected event?

It sure seems like an unanswerable situation! But no, there is a way to prepare for the unexpected. Solid foundations are required in a building to sustain unexpected environmental events even when they are not expected. There is a limit, of course, to the extent to which one invests in building foundations. There is the cost involved. For example, for buildings outside of seismic zones, it would be extremely costly to build something that would resist a highly unexpected scale 8 earthquake.

In the case of organizations preparing for the unexpected, human capital is what needs to be prepared. And it is not about quantity but quality. As the future is now here, those in the organization need to be updated about the current trends in each category. Not only able to use the most recent technologies but also able to understand the fluidity of technical innovation in their field. The good news is that we have all the means to achieve it. AI among other things!

The Crisis of Trust

Rarely we see good news. It looks like news organizations, big and small, have found that only bad news sells. If you want to make money in the news business you need to convey bad, horrible news. The worst the better. So no wonder that today people, after years of this model, feel overwhelm and think that they can trust nobody.

Business, capitalism in particular was build on trust. People would make transactions based on a hand-shake or a simple document. I have seen (was back when I lived in Mexico) the transfer of a property written on the back of a wall calendar! Those were the days when polls had 60% or more of people trusting other people. I remember when in the times of videocassettes, Blockbusters will rent videos trusting customers to return them without the need to check the return, you would just slide it through an opening into some box. My library, as many others, allows you to return your books in the same way. This is because there is a basic understanding that we are borrowing/renting in good faith.

Funny how we use the word “faith” when talking about trust. Good faith is the basis of trust. But over the years we have been educated in doing things assuming that the other person in not acting in good faith. So business contracts include clauses that guarantee the transaction regardless of the good faith of those participating in the contract.

Looking at the dictionary the word faith is related to trust and confidence. Faith is complete trust and confidence in someone or something (Google/Oxford). For example: this restores faith in politicians. Also, faith is defined in relationship to a deity. For example: Faith is a strong believe in God or in the doctrines of a religion based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. The latter part is fundamental because requires no proof. So, how can this faith can be created and nurtured? Over the years after George Fox in England and William Penn (Founder of Pennsylvania) in the USA, Quakers were know for their straight talk including having a “word”. Meaning that if someone said I give you my word it was an unbreakable promise. That word was the seal of contracts and made Quakers trustworthy and prosperous in their business. Until these days the symbol of a Quaker signifies quality. This can be said of other groups and organizations that have developed over the years a trade mark of trust.

It will be difficult and will take many years but we need to return to a society where trust, faith in each other and in institutions is widely spread. We we see our neighbors and others in our community like the good people they are. People that we can trust they are doing the right thing, that just like us a trying to do everything possible to make this world a better world. With that trust in hand we can then take the next step. We can work together!

Good Leadership

What the world needs is good leadership.

Good leadership? What do we understand by “good leadership”? The many books on administration would define it as a managerial activity that produces gains in terms of the objectives of the enterprise. Leadership is reduced into managing. As I understand it, management and leadership are different. Stephen M. R. Covey (in his book Trust & Inspire) makes a great point about the difference based on the idea that management is about physical resources and leadership is about people. (Understanding that people are not physical resources.)

At present, the world is in crisis and many countries are turning to right wing personalities to lead their lives. Recent elections in Argentina and The Netherlands two populist won elections based on the message that they are the ones that can manage the country. Superficially, people voted for them in the hope that they will solve their country’s problems. The message of these populist is pushing the idea that their government will command and control the situation. Not aware that when dealing with human activities the paradigm if command and control is ineffective. In today’s culture a more open paradigm based on human values is what is needed.

Society is becoming more diverse. Diverse in many ways, chronological, ethnic, sociological, etc. Leadership need to be an emerging force that brings all these diverse factors into consideration and play. The best example I have in my mind now is how Satya Nadella (CEO of Microsoft) was able to transform a company with more than one hundred thousand employees to regain it place in the market and the world. For sure this success was not accomplished by command and control, it has to be through tapping to the deepest of human values, inspiration. Where everyone was free to collaborate in the effort to innovate and transform what was a decaying company. A company that many business analysts have said that its time has passed! Now Microsoft’s value is in the trillions of dollars.

Is good leadership important at small scale? Family? Yes, of course! More so there because in this highly interconnected world the small and the large are part of the same field. Flourishing family members are flourishing members of society. Therefore educating good leaders in every aspect of our society is crucial for the wellbeing of all.

“Trust & Inspire” by Stephen M. R. Covey is a book that everyone has to read. Do not miss it!

Stoicism and Action

There are many overlapping principles between different philosophies and traditions. Being a good citizen appear as one of those ideas that spreads across ideologies and cultures. The difference might be in the detail of what it means to be a good citizen. Similarly is the idea that actions are more important than intentions. If we want to be good we need to act accordingly in order to be consistent.

Easy to say but difficult to accomplish. Many of us have good ideas about how to solve a problem, how to improve a dire situation but lack the skills to act accordingly. It is known that there are leaders who are explicitly open to advanced ideas about leadership but in practice lack the human touch to communicate with their subordinates what the path should be. Stoicism is one philosophy that helps to put in practice what we preach.

For more that 2000 years Stoic philosophers like Seneca have been giving advice about consistency. Starting with oneself, being critical of one’s feelings and thoughts. Reflecting on the reality of life and on the permanence of change. The only constant in life is change. Even Jesus of Nazareth told his disciples that one is known by one’s actions and that we should avoid “praying in public” to show one’s righteousness just like the hypocrites do. Good actions are, normally, unseen. The way that these good actions are known is by the effects that they cause. It is always that we know of goodness by what is produced. Peace of mind is the product of having been acting virtuously.

For me, it is during my evening meditations that I do an assessment of my daily tasks and evaluate my actions based on what I am supposed to achieve. All in the framework that I am just another member of society, just another human being.